Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby Boy

My daughter is already three years and five months now and I think it's time to have a second baby.

We really wanted to get pregnant this year (2010) and give birth next year because of two reasons. First reason is because next year will be the Year of the Dragon and we all know that if you are Chinese, it is a good year, especially if your baby is a boy. Second reason is because my daughter, as I said earlier, is already three and a half years old.

When I went to my ob-gyne a couple of months ago to inform her that we (my hubby and I) are ready to get preggo this year, she advised me to have an ultrasound (TVS) to check because my periods are really abnormal this year. Unfortunately, after the TVS, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycycstic Ovaries Syndrome). I was calm and relaxed and researched about it. I was under meds for two weeks. Then, I had an ultrasound again to check if I was ovulating. Fortunately, I was! There were three mature eggs and my doctor said it is a good sign! PTL! I'll be having my third TVS this Friday, June 20, to check if my eggs will erupt (is my term correct?!).

Next month is our target month. We wanted to give birth April of next year. Same birth month like me!

I also asked my doctor on what we need to do to be able to get pregnant with a BOY. She told us about this tablet. Although she is not giving us a 100%, we might try it.

If you know some techniques on how to make a boy, please contact me!!! LOL. :)


1 comment:

  1. Sorry, the year is 2011. We want to get pregnant this year, 2011.

    I would like to edit it but unfortunately, I can't seem to find the edit button.
