Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Big Girl in Big School.

As I write this, I am still in denial that my baby isn't a baby anymore. In a span of three years, a lot has happened. My daughter whom I carry with just one hand before can no longer be carried for five straight minutes!

Last June 8, 2011 was Mika's first day in big school. She was excited to meet new friends and teachers pero sure ako, mas excited sya sa playground! Hahaha.

Guardians are still allowed to stay outside the room for two weeks. There's a big wide glass wherein we can see our children during class hours.

Mika is doing very good in her English, Math and Reading classes but has difficulty in their Chinese class. I think we need to practice Chinese at home.

I am sharing to you some pictures of her wearing her school uniforms.

She just woke up from her morning nap here, before going to school.
Her class is Mon-Fri, 1-4pm.

Here, she's wearing her PE uniform. She wears this every Wednesday, their Fun Day in school!

Look at the eyes! Still sleepy..


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