Thursday, September 08, 2011

Learning At Home

When Mika turned two, I always made sure to do some arts and craft activities with her. She already goes to school and I know that they have a lot of activities but I believe that learning at home is also essential in one's growth. I get to teach her different things and make beautiful pieces together!

Here are some photos of our bonding at home. Enjoy!

This photo was taken Mika was just one year old. I often read stories to her especially before she goes to bed. This one is a pop-up book. -2009

This was one month after she turned three. Mika knew how to hold a pen/pencil when she was still a year old. She learned how to write her nickname "Mika" when was two and a half years old. In this photo, she was trying to copy what I wrote (cat, dog, her full name, etc.)

I cut some pictures and wrote their names. She pasted the pictures beside the correct words.

I also taught her how to plant monggo seeds using wet cotton and soil. After a week, these were the results. She was amazed and so happy. :)

This is a handmade toy phone we made. It's made out of plastic cups and threads. Here, she was trying it with my sister.

This a toy spaceship. We didn't have an alien toy that's why she chose this pretty little doll. Look at her face! That's when she saw one leg of the spaceship that is not stable. We fixed it and after a couple of minutes, it was perfect!

My daughter has a Happy Face and Good Star door in our house. I let her put happy faces and good stars on the door if she has done something good in school or at home. Here, we made the happy faces.

At three, Mika uses both her left and right hands in writing, drawing, and coloring. I make it a point to practice her writing skills at least once a month.

I allowed her to paint when she turned three, thinking that she can
already understand simple instructions (e.g. paint only on the paper provided). Unfortunately, everything was just a wishful thinking. But, we still paint one in awhile because I can see the joy in eyes when she paints - and be messy! :D

I put Manila paper on her clothes cabinet in her room to avoid pen marks. In fairness, she liked my idea and she scribbles on them often. Here, she's Teacher Mika, seriously having a class. :D

Doc Mika with her patients.

We made these crafts after her school. These are colorful butterflies made out of tissue rolls and some other materials.

I just discovered that Mika loves making bracelets. the first photo shows the materials I bought and the second photo were the bracelets she made (one for her and one for me)! :)

This is the latest craft we made. These are called Pet Rocks. She enjoyed making these! She even told me she'll bring these to school to show to her classmates and teachers. Haha.

I hope that every parent will make time for their child/ren. Time is so fast. Tomorrow, our kids will be out of our sight and touch. Let them have fun with you while learning! :)


1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the yellow and green font colors. I tried editing but I guess I need to do some research on how to properly use Blogspot. Sigh.
