Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas 2011

Every year, we spend our Christmas with my mother's relatives at my Guakong's place in Matina, Davao City.

This year, my Tita Ester thought of something to make our Christmas more fun and exciting. We were told to wear a "costume" or something that represents Christmas and she will be giving a prize of P1,000.00 for the winner.

My family was todo-bigay in planning and preparing for this..

My mom was The Candy Girl, though she looks like more of a Snowman. Hahaha.
Jay was a Gift. Everyone was laughing hard seeing him inside the big box. I decided to be a reindeer. My headress was kinda big and itchy that is why I had a 2nd headress - a reindeer headband and a Rudolph nose that lights when turned on. My sister Ay wasn't able to join because she was working in the hospital. She made habol around 11:30pm na. My sister An's costume was the best for me. She was an elf - complete from head to toe. She even made her own elf shoes with matching mini bells. Hahaha. My brother planned to be an angel that night. Unfortunately, his wings didn't make it on time. My daughter Mikaela was a Christmas tree. Pinatahian ng nanay ko! Ang galing! Hahaha. My father didn't really care about the "gimmick". We thought he'd be wearing his own clothes that night. To everyone's surprise, he made an effort to be The Grinch, using all 'leftovers' from mom's costume. Hahahaha. I thought I'll die laughing because of him!

As expected, my daughter won. What do you expect, she was the only child in the family.

We also had games. My cousin Ivy and I prepared the games and prizes. Then, the house became a mess after everyone opened their gifts from the manito-manita and the gift-giving.

Sharing to you some photos of our Christmas 2011..


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