Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm Back.

Hi there!

I've missed you, blog! It's been almost four months. I'll try my best to update often now since I'm getting better.

The reason why I've been M-I-A was because of my condition. Like the case during I had Mika in my tummy, I was admitted in the hospital during my first trimester with this one (okay, just one week). I wasn't taking any food (and liquids) and if I did, I vomited. I had gastritis and I was vomiting blood already. I felt so much pain in my stomach. I reached the point that I told Jay I didn't want to have this baby anymore. But then again, I realized that I prayed for this (to have another child). I just bounced back again after that.

I am better now and getting much better every single day. And I hope and pray that everything will go on smoothly until I reached my third trimester. I'm praying for smooth pregnancy and safe delivery by the end of September (or 1st week of October). I am 5 months and 3 weeks pregnant now. YES, I AM PREGNANT! =D

Showing you our 2nd baby's very first photo..

Being afraid of medicines, I am not taking my prenatal vitamins regularly. I have experienced having UTI (urinary tract infection) twice now. I hope it won't come back anymore. I've been drinking cranberry juice daily and I hope it really helps. I HATE MEDICINES! :(

Til here! I still havel lots of blogs to post. Will get back to work now and will blog again during my free time.


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