Sunday, July 31, 2011

Yesterday, July 31, 2011, my song "Obey The Lord", was sung during church service. The Covenant Men did an amazing job in rendering my song during the offertory.

I am posting a new song I wrote just before I made this blog entry. I have thought of something and then "Tadaaaa" - a new song! Just five minutes and I was done. :) The title of my newest song is "Lead Me, Show Me". I will send the lyrics to Kuya Roy, our church guitarist, to have him arrange the melody.

So, here it is..

Lead Me, Show Me

Oh Jesus, lead me

Lead me to a place

Where tears become smiles

Hatred becomes love

Despair becomes hope

Lord, show me

Show me the way

Surely, I will follow

Never turning back

Until the very end

I thirst for Your love

Let me drink from Your cup

I’m hungry for Your Word

Let me eat at Your table

I’m longing for the day

That I will find you in my heart

Oh Jesus, lead me

Lead me to a place

Where tears become smiles

Hatred becomes love

Despair becomes hope

Lord, show me

Show me the way

Surely, I will follow

Never turning back

Until the very end

I cling to You

I worship You

There is nothing in this world

That can make me stop

I live for You

And die for You

No one can tell me

What I should do

You are my God

My Saviour, my Redemeer

You alone can protect me

You alone can love me endlessly

Oh Jesus, lead me

Lead me to a place

Where tears become smiles

Hatred becomes love

Despair becomes hope

Lord, show me

Show me the way

Surely, I will follow

Never turning back

Until the very end

//kuyLo 080111

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