Thursday, December 08, 2011

Cold Decembrrr

It has been almost five years since I last steppedon the Land of Pines. Jay and I were newly married at that time. We went to Baguio for a short vacation with his family.

But this time, we went there with our little darling na, to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, with Jay's family still - minus Jon and Janelle :(

We left Manila on December 2, around 8am and we reached Baguio the same day, around 1:30 in the afternoon. We stayed at Chalet Baguio. It's a new hotel with clean rooms, beautiful view from our room window, and the most accommodating staff!

I am sharing to you the places we visited..
Camp John Hay
Lunch at Dencio's
Lunch at Teriyaki Boy SM
The Mansion
Green Valley
Burnham Park
Good Shepherd
Dinner at Forest House
Mines View Park
The Manor Hotel
Dinner at Sizzling Plate

And here are some photos I'd like to share..

Mika at PMA during their Saturday formation.

With the PMA soldiers.

At Good shepherd, eating strawberries.

Dinner at Forest House on December 3, Mama's 59th birthday and our 5th wedding anniversary.

At Mines View Park. Paid P10.00 for unlimited shots wearing these costumes (we paid P30.00 anyway).

Mika's first time to ride a horse. Just for picture taking though. :)

Meet Joseph, the Saint Bernard dog. P25.00 for three shots.

Jay, Mika, and I with Joseph. I am too scared to hold him. :D

At Burnham Park. P40 per hour.

At Green Valley.
Mika's first time to go bowling.

Mika playing with Papa in our hotel room while watching cartoons.

We passed by the Kennon Road on our way back to Manila. We stopped at the Lion's Head to take pictures.

Mika wanted to live in Baguio and doesn't want to leave the place. Hahaha!
See you soon, Land of Pines!


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