Thursday, January 19, 2012

Poetry: Best Friends Forever

Few days from now

You will turn four, my love

A lot of things have changed

Since I first held you in my arms

A newborn you

Means a newborn mother in me

So many things I have learned

So many nights I have stayed awake

Hearing your first word

Was like music to my ears

But it was more meaningful and touching

Because I heard you say, “Mama”

As you started crawling,

Walking and running all over

I felt success in motherhood

You let me feel complete happiness

From crib to floor foam and big bed

From playpen to playgrounds

From rattles to gadgets

From mama’s lap to your school chair

From fragrant to smelly toes

From lightweight to heavyweight

From small to extra large sizes

From formula milk to yoghurt and fresh milk

I miss the baby you were

I miss everything from the past

Your world evolved around me

But all is well, my darling

When times get tough

Sometimes I needed to go away

To spend time with myself

To think, recharge and go on

But I just stay and run to you

To hug you and kiss you

Even when you are asleep

All pains are gone, instantly

You are a big girl now, my dear

But there’s still a lot to come

Mama is just here for you

You and I, best friends forever

//kfl 011412

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