Thursday, February 02, 2012

Mika's First Ever School Field Trip

Last January 13, Mika had her very first school field trip. All Nursery students (morning and afternoon classes) were scheduled on that day. Each student was allowed to have one guardian who will go with the kids.

First Stop - Butterfly Sanctuary
They were introduced to some caterpillars, butterflies and larvae. Each kid had an opportunity to touch them one by one. My kid was kinda scared. :D A video was also shown about the different butterfly species. There were also live spiders and other insects shown after the video presentation.

Second Stop - Crocodile Park
The kids enjoyed all the animals upon entering the mini zoo. There were snakes, birds, eagles, crocodiles, and a lot more! Mika and her friend Chloe even had their photo taken with a live crocodile. Again, Mika was kinda scared but she managed to pose with the animal. Hahaha. The show just started when the rain poured. Everyone was soaked wet. Good thing there was a mini grocery store inside the zoo. We all went inside to avoid the rain. We have not toured the mini zoo because it was wet everywhere. Good thing, we've brought Mika there twice (or thrice) already.

Third Stop - Tribu K' Mindanawan
When the rain eventually stopped around 11am, we all went to watch some dances performed by indigenous people from Mindanao. But Mika and I, together with some other parent-daughter tandems, stayed in one place and did not join the rest in watching the performances. Spell TIRED.

Fourth Stop - Riverwalk Grill
We were served free lunch. We had rice, fried chicken and achara.

Here are some photos from the field trip..


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