Sunday, April 28, 2013

My 30th.

Owkay. Fine. I am 30.

For the longest time, as early as two years ago, I was already thinking of become thirty. I dreaded the day. Haha! But time is really fast. With just a blink of an eye, tadaaaah, I am thirty. No turning back. It was April 25.

Spent my day (and night) with people who are close to my heart. Lunch was spent with our household, including my brother at Cafe Aseya (Hotel Tropika). Dinner was with my college close friends at Tong Yang. After dinner munch was with my high school close friends at BC Chicken House.

The treat for my family happened April 28. My sisters have work on the 25th, hence, the late celebration with them. We had dinner at Cellar de Oboza.

Sharing some photos withh my college and high school buddies. Sorry, no photos with family.

Cheers to good life! Cheers to good friendship! Cheers to happiness! Cheers, cheers!


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