Wednesday, September 02, 2015

After two years..

Oh, hi there, blog! :)))

It's been two years since my last entry.

Let me sum up everything in bullet form...

* September 21, 2013 - exactly one year since my second daughter was born, my father-in-law died of heart attack. He was here in Davao City when it happened. This Sept 29, 2015, it will be two years since we lost him. We used the Chinese calendar in remembering his death anniversary.

* Macy will turn three this September 21 and I still breastfeed her directly. And I don't think she'll be weaned anytime soon. ;-)

* My firstborn, Mikaela, is in Grade 2 now. She received a Gold Award in first grade. I hope and pray that she continues to be a good student.

* Party Depot is now Creations Party Depot. From craft materials, we are now into party decorations and party planning. We officially started last year, April 22, 2014. So far, so good. :)

* I am now active in LATCH Davao. It is a group of breastfeeding counselors who help mothers with breastfeeding concerns. We do different activities and we also have talks in hospitals, barangays and private establishments. I hope to continue with this advocacy to be able to share with other mothers all the goodness that breastfeeding gives.

* We are now residing near my parent's house in Matina. We transferred last month. Our place now is way better than our previous place. We live in a compound with two identical houses and a biiiiig lawn at the back. My cousin and her family (husband and daughter) live in the second house. We have a vegetable garden at the back - tomato, malunggay, bell pepper, alugbati, ginger, mini cucumber and a lot more. I also plan to make a vertical herb garden beside our house.

* I am now serious in homeschooling. During my firstborn's early years (less than a year old up to 2 years), I was already teaching her some lessons (sight reading, etc) and we did different crafts also. But it wasn't a regular thing - only when my time permits. But now, with my second child, with many mommy friends who are also into homeschooling and playdates, it is more of a regular thing. I teach Macy 2-3 times a week here at home. And sometimes, my cousin's daughter and my firstborn join us. Next year, we plan to enroll her in big school (preschool). But I'm also considering to continue homeschooling her. Let's see.

So, there. I really hope to update this blog more often. ;-)
Thanks for reading!!


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