Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I am so lucky to have very supportive families, both mine and jay's. They let us do our thing and just support us all the way.

In January 2008, I gave birth to our firstborn, Mikaela. I have thought of breastfeeding my baby but I wasn't 100% in pushing it. When she arrived, the doctor told us to give her formula because she said the baby was hungry. Maybe because I haven't eaten for one whole day. And I think that was Reason why I haven't exclusively breastfed her. She was mixed fed since birth. She had been admitted to hospitals since she was 4months old. She wasn't super healthy.

Last year, 2012, I gave birth again. I was so lucky to have met a very supportive group of moms, headed by my lamaze teacher, Alex. This time,  I decided to exclusively breastfeed my baby. As I am typing this now, I can't help but cry thinking that I made the best decision, ever. I am very happy to have a very supportive husband who's very much into it. Maybe, it's in his mind that we'll be able to save lots of money from formula milk? Lol!

Both my parents and parents-in-law are very supportive also. My MIL even bought nursing covers for me, in different colors and designs. They also remind me to pump breastmilk for the baby before I go out to do some errands.

My sisters who are both medically inclined (one is a doctor and the other is a nurse) have also helped me a lot. During my stay at the hospital when I gave birth to my second child, they taught me how to make my breastmilk come out already (hot compress, etc). They were also the ones who told me before (during my first baby was born), to breastfeed. Unfortunately, I wasn't well-informed and wasn't really into breastfeeding 100%. And I thought that I have a little milk supply. I was wrong.  All mothers have milk whether she has big breasts or tiny ones - all have milk! We just have to be patient and do some hard work, for a few weeks. After a couple of months, mothers and babies will master the art of breastfeeding. So easy and fulfilling!

My second child turned eight months today, May 21. I have been exclusively breastfeeding (direct and bottle) her since birth. Well, except for those 7 days (1wk) when I needed to take antibiotics due to postpartum bleeding. She was 3wks old then. But after those 7 days up to now, I breastfeed her. We are giving her semi solids since she was 6 months, but she still drinks breast milk almost every after eating her solids, and in between.  My firstborn even drinks my expressed milk! My second child haven't been admitted to a hospital and I believe that it is because of breastfeeding.

I have told some friends (even my kids' pediatrician) that I want to just give Macy breast milk, no other foods and drinks. But I also know that she needs different healthy foods to be able to maintain her health and have nutrients.

I just hope that all mothers and soon-to-be-moms will also do the same. Breastfeeding will not only benefit the baby but also the mother. You will lost weight faster and in a few weeks or months, you'll be back in your pre-pregnancy shape. Who wouldn't want that? :)

Till here! The milk monster is already hungry and the milk machine will now feed her. :D


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