Sunday, April 28, 2013

Holy Week 2013

Every year, during Holy Week, we make it a point to relax and have fun. I think Jay deserves it, afterall, it is only during Good Friday (once a year) when there's no work at their workplace.

This year, we decided to go to Mati with the Superfriends. Present were Putoy, Tel, Lilaq, Karen, Derick, and our family, with the nannies and the driver. It could have been more exciting if all Superfriends were there with us. Next time, maybe.

When we reached Mati, we went straight to Tito Noel's beach house in Dahican. He's our churchmate here in Davao who's very generous in letting us stay in his 'dilapidated' (as what he calls it, hehe) house. We stayed there the whole afternoon of March 29. When the sun set, we traveled to the city proper. We stayed overnight at Lane's Katulgan. The place is okay. I think better than other inns/hotels.

The next day, we went back to Dahican and spent our whole morning at Botona Beach. Before noon, we went back to the city proper and had our lunch at Lane's Kan-anan before traveling back to Davao City.


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